The Team Leader quickly assessed the predictable target area; and discovered that the Hostage Taker can potentially be located in three areas of the building but based on intel from bystanders that were able to exit the building, is more than likely holding 3 hostages in the main part of the warehouse behind a row of wooden skids.




Next Steps:

Team Leader assigns 1 team of 4. One member to take point (direction of movement), team leader and unit members take the flank and rear then enter the building from the Supervisor's Office.

Team Leader assigns two teams of 6, Alpha and Bravo. Alpha will enter from the Supervisor's Office and Bravo will enter from the Main Entrance Hallway.

Team Leader assigns two teams of 6, Alpha and Bravo. Alpha will enter from the Main Entrance Hallway and Bravo will attempt to breach the broken garage door located in the back of the warehouse.
