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Chapter One: Welcome!
The Advising Department would like to offer this welcome to let you know how much we look forward to working in a partnership with you as you make progress toward completing your academic program!
At this point you have already navigated the waters of our Admissions Department with their very capable assistance. You may have already begun or completed the Federal Student Aid process, or discussed the Tuition Assistance (TA) process with your Education Officer if you are one of our military students. Most of you have already gone through the registration process at least once.
Whatever your current situation, this guide will introduce you to your online campus, also called “myCampus” and the many resources it houses. Your myCampus will help define the advisor-student relationship and focus your personal and academic expectations. This resource will also provide academic, personal, and career related self-assessment tools and resources, and provide opportunities for self-exploration. You will be able to identify general, school and program-specific academic requirements. Our goal is to foster valuable relationships between faculty, staff and the student body!
In these pages you will get detailed information on what your advising team can do for you; and how that team differs from your admissions counselor.
You will learn, in great detail, how to navigate myCampus and your classroom. Even if you are already in a classroom, this guide may be able to teach you nuances of which you were unaware!
You will learn where to find the Student Advising Resource Center (STAR Center) and the resources it offers, which will be invaluable to you throughout your academic career.
You will learn where to find, and how to contact, other resources that will guide you in your program.
You will get some excellent tips and advice on the academic planning process to maximize success in achieving your goal of earning your college degree.
Lastly, but certainly not least, this guide will provide information on how to stay connected to other students, faculty, and all members of the APUS community! This is a vital part of your educational experience and one that does not need to be left by the wayside simply because you are in an online program. There are ample opportunities for student involvement in honor and service organizations – as well as just fun ways to connect!
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