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Section 2: What Can I Expect from an Advisor?

By: Cathy McDonald, Team Manager: School of Security and Global Studies

At APUS, students are supported by a team of academic advisors. Academic advising teams are comprised of highly trained professional advisors and are aligned by degree program. Our advisors are committed to your success and according to the Advising Department syllabus will:

 Listen carefully and respect student questions and concerns

 Collaborate with students to develop their academic and personal goals

 Assist students in making academic decisions consistent with their interests, abilities, and goals

 Provide appropriate referrals and resources based on student needs

 Understand and effectively communicate degree requirements and university policies and procedures

 Assist students in understanding the purpose and goal of higher education and its effect on one’s life and goals

 Be accessible for advising sessions, phone calls, chats and emails; and respond to all student voice messages the next business day and all student emails within 12 business hours

 Follow FERPA Guidelines to protect your privacy

If you are interested in learning more about the student-advisor relationship, your specific advising team members, or if you would like to review the Advising Department syllabus, you are welcome to click here to visit the online Student Advising & Resource Center.

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