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Welcome Navigation Academic Planning Resources Get Connected


Section 4: Introduction to the Student Advising & Resource


By: Evan Hardy, Academic Advisor

The Student Advising and Resource Center is your direct link to your advising team and information about your program. You can access it directly from your online campus to schedule a formal advising session, chat with an advisor, and find a wealth of other information about services that we offer to make your university experience more successful and exciting!

You can access the Student Advising & Resource Center by clicking on the ‘Visit the Advising Web Site’ link on the Academic Plan’s ‘Stay Connected’ contact box or by clicking on the “Student Advising &

Resource Center” link located on the navigation bar to the right of your online campus, under the ‘Student Services’ heading (as mentioned in the previous section).

You can also save this link and use this to take you directly to the Student Advising & Resource Center:

Let’s take a few moments to briefly discuss what you can find in each of

the pages of the Student Advising & Resource Center…

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