


Considering that the highest fatality rate in hostage crises occurs during tactical incursion, the decision to order such an action is an excruciatingly difficult one. In some cases, no actual forced entry may occur, but other tactical measures may be utilized, e.g. sniper action against the HTs, or sending in gas or flash-bangs to immobilize the HTs or flush them out. Again, these measures are to used with extreme caution and only as a last resort, when life is in immediate danger.

The Team Leader should quickly assess the predictable target area; where the shooter can potentially move within, where they will flee to, and location of active shooter transportation.

The Team Leader should send one team to Enter the structure using the basic 4-man diamond team formation allowing for 360 degree security coverage.

The Team Leader should send one teammate into the building as the point-man to gain intelligence of where the Hostage Taker may be located

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