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Section 3 – Registering for Classes

By: Jennifer Cirbus, Academic Advisor

Registering for classes is an important step in your academic career. It is beneficial to become familiar with your academic plan so you know which courses are required to complete your program. When

registering for classes it is important to keep in mind how many classes you are required to take per your tuition funding source and how many courses you could realistically complete, and pass, at one time.

Generally speaking, for undergraduate students, registering and

successfully completing 12 or more semester hours during a semester, or 16-week period, is considered full-time enrollment. Registering and successfully completing 6-8 semester hours is considered part-time enrollment. Understanding the difference between full-time and part-time course loads when registering for classes is an important factor in your future academic success.

Let’s take a look at the course registration process in a little more detail…

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