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Section 4.2 - Course Tools

Through the ‘Course Tools’ area of your online classroom, you can access your course’s ‘Syllabus’, ‘Lessons’, ‘Resources’, ‘Assignments’, ‘Test & Quizzes’ and your ‘Gradebook.’

 The Syllabus tool will link you with your syllabus developed for your class. Your course syllabus is one of the most important documents in your online classroom as it defines the goals and objectives of the course and grading policy. It also lists the reading materials needed for the course,

addresses the topics that will be covered, provides a weekly schedule, and presents other important university policies. It is recommended that you read your syllabus first before beginning any coursework.

 The Lessons and Resources tools may be used by professors to post different lesson and resource materials for each week; examples of lesson materials provided through the

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