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Section 4 – Classroom Facts

By: Michelle Herder, Team Manager: School of Business

Fact 1: Your courses use an asynchronous course delivery model.

Traditional classroom learning capitalizes on a synchronous course delivery model which requires students to sit in a classroom during specific hours on specific days. At APUS we use an asynchronous course delivery, which means that you will not be required to log into your classroom during specific times during the day, week, or month for the duration of your courses.

Although your courses are asynchronous in nature, they are not completely self-led. You will be required to log in (and out) of your classes at least once and post a 250-word forum thread by the first Sunday evening of your classes. All of your assignments, tests, and quizzes will have set due dates you will have to meet; but, up until the time they are due, you can work on them at any time of day or night, from any location.

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