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Fact 2: Online learning is very different from traditional, classroom learning

Online learning is often an independent process in that you will need to actively set time aside to focus on your weekly reading and written assignments. Per the Student Handbook, undergraduate students should plan to dedicate 8-10 hours a week to studies for a 16-week course and 15-18 hours a week for an 8-week course. That being said, online classes are traditionally very reading and writing intensive; online learning is certainly not a “show up and get an A” type of learning environment.

Fact 3: You must establish clear lines of communication with your professors and the university

It is of the utmost importance to be proactive within the classroom and the university. If you need guidance, direction, or assistance, we are here – and we want to help!

Your professor is one of your number one resources in the classroom. If you have a question, don’t hesitate to ask! In most cases your professor will respond to your email within 48 – 72 hours; however, it may take them a little longer from time to time. If you feel it has taken your professor too long to get back to you, you can always contact your academic advising team. It is also important to contact your professor if something comes up that impedes your ability to complete your assignments on time. Your professor may be able to stretch a deadline or due date for you, or suggest a course extension when permissible; the key is to contact your professor before it is too late (before your due date has passed or you’ve failed an assignment).

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